
Memphis Police Officer Hit by Drunk Driver

(Memphis) A Memphis police officer is recovering after police say she was hit by a drunk driver.

Ismeal Vicente, 29, is charged with the crime.

Officer Katrina Cobb is at The MED swollen and bruised.

She was standing outside of her patrol car when the accident happened.

The alleged drunk driver slammed into her car and that pinned her between her patrol car and a car she had pulled over.

Police say they found empty beer cans and a half-consumed cold beer in Vincente’s car after he crashed it on Poplar Ave.

“It was kinda like a loud boom basically,” said Emory Williamson, a Midtown resident.

The impact happened as Officer Katrina Cobb was standing in the road about to check the license of a woman she pulled over.

The crash pinned Officer Cobb and the woman in between their cars, sending both to the hospital.  

Originally, the officer was listed in critical condition.

The other woman was not seriously hurt.

“I just saw the lights going through the house and I was up til about 3 a.m. and they were still going on,” said Sara Huggins, who lives right next to the crash scene.

Police say at the crash scene, at Poplar and Willett, Vincente had watery eyes and slurred speech but refused to take a blood test.

Officers didn’t get to test his blood alcohol level until hours later.  

Just after midnight, two hours after the crash, it registered at .08, just at the legal limit.

Police then charged him with DUI, refusing to take the test, reckless driving and driving without insurance or a license.

“If you are out there drinking and driving that`s not cool at all,” said Archie Anderson, Officer Cobb’s neighbor.

Officer Cobb’s next door neighbor in Frayser hadn’t heard what happened until WREG told him, “It’s messed up that a drunk driver hit her, you know. That`s screwed up.”

“We were laying inside my apartment and we could hear it all the way over here and this is maybe a hundred yards away,” said Williamson.

It was a loud crash that could have ended a lot worse.

On Officer Cobb’s Facebook page, she thanked everybody for their calls and concern.  

She says she is bruised and swollen and has torn tissue on her spine but she’d take that over the alternative.

As for Vincente, he’s still in jail and has a court appearance scheduled for Monday.