
Memphis therapist offers unique shopping experience in her office

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — This year has been unlike any other, and that includes the way we shop.  

One entrepreneur in East Memphis found a unique way for you to get those last-minute gifts, without having to risk going out to big-brand stores.

Brandy J Flynn, owner of the Bee Line, wears many different hats. Her many degrees highlighting her devotion to helping others. Not only has she mastered how to be empathetic with clients, but there’s something to say about wanting to entertain them as well.

You might call it laugh therapy, which led Flynn to become a Tik Tokki’ng therapist. But what you don’t see is her hustle and grind that catapulted during COVID.     

On the side, Flynn has become a one-woman factory.

“I’ve been a therapist since 2005,” Flynn said. I’ve been a therapist since 2005. “This is what I do on the weekend, I make soap.”

Flynn has become a marketing guru.

“I don’t think it will grow to this magnitude,” Flynn said.

Leaving Flynn to also become a steady stocker and her own sales-woman. But here’s how things differ — because of COVID, she offers one-on-one shopping.

“I wanna give you the V.I.B experience,” Flynn said.

That very important Bee line or VIB experience happens here inside her East Memphis office.

“When you have your appointment, you are guaranteed to be the only person in here besides me,” Flynn said.

What Flynn quickly understood is the desire to offer those comforting items since many are still stuck at home.  The items she sell ranged from comfy shirts to gourmet coffee mugs, calming candles and of course the soap that’s hand-made.   

And with each item, there’s an affirmation reminding us all better days are ahead and a push to ‘Sow where we can grow!’

“It’s just something to constantly remind you, who you are and meant to be,” Flynn said.

 The message, not just the merchandise is so important to Flynn. She will bring it right to your front door if you’re unable to schedule that one-on-one appointment.

Shopping small really has even bigger impact during this pandemic. Number one you’re helping to safeguard your health by not going out with the masses and secondly you’re supporting those small businesses trying to stay afloat. It really is a win-win for both consumer and the company.

In case you’re wondering, the available items start at $8, perfect stocking stuffers.     

For more information, click here.