
Mid-Southerners react to Supreme Court health care ruling

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Elizabeth Walker joined the millions of Americans jumping for joy today following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Thursday.

“I’m a stage 4 cancer survivor, I will not lose my insurance! Thank you Obama,” she said.

Walker, who beat breast cancer, told WREG she makes frequent doctor trips so she followed the case closely.

“Congress is supposed to make the laws. Congress approved this,” she said.

Doctor Scott Morris CEO of the Church Health Center also watched and waited.

“Had this gone the other way, it would’ve created total chaos for the entire country,” he told WREG.

The decision upheld the Affordable Care Act which gives federal tax credits to people in all 50 states even if the state didn’t set up its own health care exchange.

The law passed by Congress said people would only get subsidies if they bought health insurance through exchanges “established by the states.”

Thirty-four states never did that including three in the Mid-South.

“I think everyone realized that this wasn’t really a substantive argument. It was really about parsing the words the way they were written,” said Tennessee State Senator Mark Norris.

Norris said he would now talk to lawmakers about expanding Insure Tennessee, something the Governor already pushed for.

“My concern is what do we do for the folks on Tenncare to make sure we protect that program to make sure they don’t lose their coverage?” he asked.

Walker said this was a win for everyone.

“I think it’s just politics,” said Walker.
