MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Bellevue Middle School coach is accused of “tickling” students and attempting to pull their pants down, so he could “wrestle” with them, according to a complaint filed with the state.
The documents identified the coach as Mario Taylor, a boys basketball coach at Bellevue Middle and teacher at Alton Elementary.
Shelby County Schools said Friday that the coach at Bellevue Middle was placed on administrative leave during an investigation into the allegations. State documents indicate the district initiated the action against Taylor Jan. 22.
According to state documents, a parent whose son was on the Bellevue Middle basketball team told him that the coach had taken the team to his house after a tournament and attempted to pull students’ pants down and “whoop” them. Students also said the coach had made inappropriate comments toward them or tried to touch them, according to interviews and text messages in the state documents.
SCS officials say they’ve notified parents at both schools. Memphis Police and child services are now involved.Alton Elementary parents said Wednesday they’re concerned, since Taylor was also around their students.
SCS hasn’t mentioned any incidents at Alton, but has notified parents at both schools to be safe.
It’s unclear how long the investigation will take.