
More than 70 vaccinated at pop-up site in Oxford

OXFORD, Miss. — As COVID-19 cases continue to plague Mississippi, city officials in Oxford erected a pop-up vaccination site at a popular grocery store Friday.

The site, also sponsored by the Webb Family Medical Clinic, was right outside Larson’s Cash Saver.

“It’s convenient for me because I didn’t even know it was going on,” Sherron Dixon said. “I’m finna go call my sister, see if she wants to come.”

Dr. Kimberly Webb was on hand to answer questions. She wanted to ease any fears about getting the shot.

“I reassure them that I’ve taken it as well and any other questions,” Webb said.

Oxford Police officer Atziri Ortiz was also on hand to translate for Hispanic residents, a demographic city officials would like to see vaccinated in larger numbers.

“They’re just so afraid to come out because they don’t know how to fill out the simple paperwork,” Ortiz said. “They thank me all the time. I have some people inviting me for dinner tomorrow because they were so thankful and I was like oh, thank you. I appreciate it.”

The pop-up site was open for five hours and, in that time, more than 70 people got vaccinated. Across the state, Mississippians have been plagued by a recent surge in COVID cases, accounting for more than 100 deaths in the last few weeks.

“We had a free vaccination drive thru site for many months and it kind of got to the end where people weren’t coming as often,” Oxford Mayor Robyn Tannehill said. “I think with this resurgence in COVID cases and this Delta variant that people understand is much more contagious than the first round people are interested in getting vaccinated again. We want to provide every opportunity for our community to do that.”

The city plans to have more pop-up vaccination sites in the coming days. You can keep track on social media, including the Oxford Police Department’s Facebook page.