
Neighbors Ask Where Police Are Before Crime Happens

(Memphis) A deadly shooting near Orange Mound left neighbors asking, “Where are police officers before crimes happen?”

Some neighbors say they do not see enough police patrolling in their neighborhood off Lamar Avenue.

And now, after two murders in the last two weeks, they say it’s time for police to step in.

Adele Curtis lives behind the convenience store and car wash at the intersection of Lamar and Barron.

She said her brother was washing a car when three shooters drove by Wednesday, killing her brother’s customer and injuring two others.

Police don’t know or won’t say who the shooters targeted or the names of the victims.

But Curtis said two were “innocent bystanders.”

Less than 24 hours after the shooting, Curtis wanted to know where the police are, because they weren’t there before the shooting, and they’re already gone today.

Memphis Police say they aren’t adding any additional patrols even though there’s a long history of violent crime in the area.

Neighbors say it makes a difference when they see police.

“You can always wave. Give them a flag or something,” neighbor Lillie Cunningham said.

As for Curtis, she says until something changes, her brother is moving his business.

“He says he’s not going back down there. He’s just going to do them here,” she said.

Police say if a community has a concern or sees something suspicious, give them a call and they’ll send an officer out.

News Channel 3 asked police for exact crime stats in that area. We are still waiting for them.