
Old Hickory Hill Kmart being transformed into retail center and storage facility as court battle continues

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The former Kmart store in the Hickory Hill neighborhood is being transformed into a retail center and storage facility, despite the owner ignoring repeated environmental court summonses.

Owner Jerome Karam did not show up in court again Monday morning.

WREG did spot a construction crew on site. The owner’s website shows ongoing work to create a retail and storage facility.

However, community organizer Patricia Rogers said the progress is not happening fast enough. She’s been following the case in environmental court, where code enforcement is responding to the illegal dumping.

Rogers is frustrated Karam has ducked court. On Monday, the judged fined him $150 – $50 each for three missed appearances.

“Progress has been made. The man has been a no show,” Rogers said. “You still have trash and garbage on the premises on the front and back”

WREG-TV tried reaching out to Karam but had to leave a message. Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Memphis Code Enforcement said there have been “substantial improvements” on the property, but it is still not in compliance.

The case has been reset again for November 9.