If you get a text message and you think you’ve won a free, gift card from Walmart, don’t get excited, because it’s not true. MidSouth Better Business Bureau President Randy Hutchinson says it’s just another smishing scam.
“In some cases they’re asking you to provide personal, confidential, bank account, credit card numbers that can then be used to commit identity theft or hit your with unauthorized charges,” says Hutchinson.
The phony text is also one of the latest alerts listed on a new section of the BBB’s website. It’s called Scam Source, a one stop shop for consumers.
“You can sign up to get alerts to tell you about scams that are happening, it gives you the opportunity to report a scam,” explains Hutchinson.
Another tool the BBB hopes can help keep consumers a step ahead of the crooks.
“So many scams are perpetrated over the internet or perpetrated through text messaging these days that frankly, if it’s happening in one part of the country, it’s only a matter of time before it gets here.”