
Panel Addresses Issues Beyond Trayvon Martin Case

(Memphis) The National Civil Rights Museum hosted a panel discussion Wednesday about the issues following the Trayvon Martin case.

Lawyers and community leaders helped dissect what happened, and how to move beyond the incident to its implications.

Many people asked questions about the “stand your ground” law, the jurors and Zimmerman.

But more importantly, they talked about how this was only one incident as an example of a recurring problem with race and class.

“I would personally like to move past Zimmerman-bashing. I just think we need to move forward from it. We need to confront the problem, but from this man, Zimmerman. What more can be said about this one man?” said Isaac Kimes, and attorney.

Instead, Kimes and other panelists talked about African-American youths’ experiences with racial profiling, with crime, and with the justice system.

One panelist said, “When you’re growing up well off, you really don’t understand someone who’s poor, no matter how much you read, how much television you watch.”

The inherent lack of understanding was why Anne Gullick attended the session.

Gullick stood up and said, “I am white, and I am privileged. But I am here.”

Later, she told News Channel 3, “I will never have the experience here. But that does not mean I cannot learn all that I can. And try to make some change in my community and the people that I interact with.”

While the panel and moderator tried to take suggestions for solutions, many people stayed focused on the hurt or anger of Zimmerman’s not-guilty verdict.

Those who did have ideas suggested talking to elected officials about changing laws, like the “stand your ground” law, or improving education to promote the understanding of different cultures.