
Pass It On: A woman with kidney failure receives help

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Memphis woman is dealing with some major health issues, and we all know that can be costly.

She’s about to get some help from a friend and our Pass It On cash.

Chiquita King looks healthy, but as the saying goes looks can be deceiving. Meet play maker Toni Jackson.

“My friend Chiquita, she has chronic kidney problems. She also went through thyroid. She had those removed. It’s been kind of rough on her. She’s not working right now. I want to do whatever I can to help her. So is she going through dialysis? She’s also going through dialysis where she’s on her way to right now.”

Unable to work because of kidney failure, the bills are piling up.

Well, we have a little something that we think could help in the mean time.

We’re passing on $300 from News Channel 3 and additional $300 from our anonymous donor in Nesbit, MS. That brings the total to $600.

Toni and I head toward The Family Dollar store where her friend Chiquita is picking up a few things.

Moments later, Toni gets into position and counts out the $300 from News Channel 3 and $300 from our anonymous donor in Nesbit, MS.

“Thank you. Thank you so much. You guys are such a blessing,” Chiquita said.

Not long ago Chiquita was in the hospital in bad shape.

“My kidneys all of a sudden just failed. I mean, I had no kidney function at all. It made me have to quit working. By me not working the bills are piling up. But from the love of my family and friends, I couldn’t have made it without them. My husband, my mother and my job was so supportive.”

She knows how to plead her case.

“If you guys know of anyone who would like to help me find a kidney, I am A positive.”

Chiquita is positive. There’s no doubt about it.

The $600 will help, but pray that she finds a kidney donor.