
Minnie’s Ministry: Fayette County woman is a blessing to families in need

FAYETTE COUNTY, Tenn. —From cooking for dozens of families each week to checking on them, our playmaker Mary Pickey said Minnie Morman is the embodiment of the Proverbs 31 woman.

“She extends her hand to the poor, yet she reaches out her hands to the needy,” Mary read from the Bible. “And that’s exactly what Minnie does.”

“She doesn’t have to tell you she’s a Christian, her life reflects that she’s a Christian,” she added. “Minnie and I attend the same church and what amazes me is that she cooks for 50 people a week.”

On the day WREG’s Tim Simpson met Mary, she had arranged for Minnie to pick up some food donations. When she arrived Minnie got the donations and a Pass It On surprise of $300 from News Channel 3 and $700 from our anonymous donors.

Minnie was completely shocked.

“Wow, what can I say? I am smiling, I am smiling, because this is a total surprise, because I just love blessing the people.”

Minnie certainly has helped a lot of people.

“I have about 50 people that I serve and it’s about 16 families that I feed. Single parents with children and they’re working, and I give them a hot meal at least once a week. And I don’t know how I’ve been doing it but I’ve been doing it for five years and nobody but God did it. And God is still doing it,” she said.

That’s her ministry to others.

“We just learned that Jesus don’t have no feet, neither hands. The only hands and feet that he has is ours. And that’s why I want to be blessing to somebody else,” she said.