
Passing ACT Exam May Be Path To A Better Life

Four teenagers in state custody were honored today for leaving behind a life of turmoil and trouble and hopefully beginning a journey of success.

Each passed their ACT exam.

It may be a minor step for most high school students, but for teachers and counselors at Youth Dimensions, the teens’ achievement was worth celebrating.

“‘For many of the youth this is the first time anyone in their family has even taken a first step toward college preparation,” said Rod Scott, executive director of Youth Dimensions.

State representative Antonio Parkinson can relate to rough starts.

His family was homeless for a year, grew up in poverty and always hoped those days wouldn’t be the sum of his life.

They weren’t.

“Who knows, this may be the catalyst that springs one of these children that are here right now into a leadership role in our community or becoming college professor or who knows whatever their dreams are,” Parkinson said.

The boys live at Youth Dimensions where they go to school and are provided a stable environment to help them become productive citizens. Many weren’t happy when they were sent there.

“I was a little upset about it at first, but I realized that I need to work on bettering myself and controlling my anger,” one student said.

Because the teens are in state custody, we can’t identify them, but maybe one day you may meet a lawyer, a police officer, a registered nurse or a member of the Air Force who will tell you about how they found their way out of trouble.