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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Robbed at gunpoint while on a morning job or while walking in a grocery store parking lot, more and more bold robberies keep happening throughout Memphis.

“I needed a phone. It was a good price,” said a recent victim.

She said she saw the phone on Facebook Marketplace and agreed to meet the seller at a gas station on Lamar and East Parkway.

Her wife was with her for the exchange Monday afternoon.

“We noticed [the phone] was still set up. There was another person’s information on the phone. Basically, we decided we’re not going to get it,” she said.

The victim said she spoke to the man through her car window. When she told him he didn’t want her phone, he reached in the car and snatched her wallet.

He ran to the back of the building where his getaway driver was waiting.

“The money taken from us was hard earned money. I work two jobs,” she said.

Sadly, her story is all too familiar.

In the past week, MPD’s Cyber Watch shows more than 50 robberies reported.

They happened all across the city at all hours of the day.

Many involved weapons like the attack reported Tuesday.

A pair told police they were on a morning job downtown near Carolina and Florida when they were held gunpoint and patted down.

MPD assured us they’re working non-stop to solve the crimes.

Detectives even blasted the pictures of the suspects on Facebook. They said the men in the pictures robbed a woman just walking away from a Red Box at a Midtown Kroger at Poplar and Cleveland over the weekend.

Police say they’re increasing patrols and are asking you to remain vigilant as we approach the holidays.

If you have any information about the robberies, call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH.