
Popular restaurant in Brownsville closing its doors due to the pandemic

BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. — Another example of how small businesses are being impacted economically by the pandemic. In Brownsville, Tennessee, the Mindfield Grill is now closed, after eight years.

The pandemic caused a slump in sales and now 12 people are looking for a new job. On Wednesday, cooks at the Mindfield Grill in Brownsville were filling lunch orders to perfection.

And in the dining room patrons were filling up on the kind of food that is kept customers like Carolyn and Tommy Castellaw coming back.

“Oh, at least once a week. More like, sometimes two or three times a week,” the Castellaw’s said.

But this lunch-rush will be the last for the couple as it was announced the grill would close its doors the day before Thanksgiving.

For Elise Clinton, the owner, the decision to shut down was unavoidable.

“I really tried to wait till the end of the year, but I couldn’t. Financially, I just couldn’t do it,” Clinton said.

Clinton’s husband died in January, and the pandemic followed shortly after, leaving the business in dire straights. Closing the Mindfield Grill means 12 loyal employees will be out of work. But Clinton is hopeful, they won’t be for long.

“My customers are all pitching in,” Clinton said. “Some of them are probably going to do some work for some people. A landscaper was here, he’s probably going to take somebody and give them a job.”

But Wednesday, it was time for hugs and goodbyes, and thanks to Clinton and her staff for some of the best food in Brownsville.

Clinton said had she not receive some money under the payroll protection program she would have had to close her business sooner.