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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The rain is coming down and we don’t expect it to let up anytime soon, so pack your patience if you’re hitting the road on the Interstate 55 bridge.

Drivers have been lined up on Crump Boulevard to get on the bridge since the I-40 bridge shut down, and drivers say they’re bracing for the rest of this week.

| More: I-40 bridge closure

They actually say they’re bracing for it to get even worse, with rain in the forecast and several known flooding spots.

Some drivers said it was the worst traffic they’ve ever seen in the area. 

MLGW and city officials are calling for the public to be ready both on the road and at home, asking people to clear the areas in front of sewers and avoid putting loose trash or debris in the street next to the curb or near drains.

They also ask homeowners to clear their gutters especially if they’ve had water issues at home in the past.