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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Raleigh man tired of thieves trying to get into his home is taking some extreme measure to keep his family safe. He’s so fed up that’s he’s standing guard in body armor waiting on the intruders.

“One time I know I scared them off is when I closed the bolt on my AR. It’s a very distinctive sound,” the homeowner said. Now, he sits on his couch each night, waiting for an intruder who is bold enough to step inside. “The police told me, unless they actually get through that door, I cannot use deadly force.”

He says he doesn’t plan on breaking the law, but he’ll protect his house. “I’m not the kind of person that is just going to shoot someone. If they do walk through the door, they will leave that house in a plastic bag.” For him, that’s the end of the story. He’s even got the full protective gear to show he means business. “It’s hard plate body armor. A hard plate on front, side plates and one on the back.”

The body armor weighs 25 pounds. While some may call it extreme, he says “it measures that I am willing to protect my family.”

Police have responded to his home at least twice for attempted break-ins