
Rep. Steve Cohen Says His Office Reported Randy Wade

(Memphis) Congressman Steve Cohen is now taking responsibility for turning in former aide and right-hand man Randy Wade for ethics violations.

Wade says he is shocked by this, and that it’s a betrayal of his close friendship with Cohen.

This weekend, Cohen said he had nothing to do with the ethics investigation into his former friend and aide Randy Wade, but today he’s changing his tune.

Read The Complaint Against Wade

He says his office told Wade not to use his congressional title in an endorsement when he threw his support behind state legislator G.A. Hardaway last year, but they say he did it anyway, so Cohen’s chief of staff turned it over to the House Ethics Committee.

Wade says he isn’t making a statement until Tuesday, but Hardaway says Cohen is just mad with Wade because he knows Wade isn’t going to support him next election and he’s trying to smear his name.

Cohen says this whole thing could have been private and no one would have ever known about Wade’s violation of the rules, but Wade went public with it.