
Rash Of Burglaries In Midtown

(Memphis) Folks in Midtown are on guard after learning of at least 25 home burglaries in just the past week.

Victims say they’re convinced the burglars cased their homes before breaking in, which is especially worrisome.

The area being hit surrounds South Cox Street in Cooper Young.

“That’s what they jimmied the window open with,” said Craig Camp, holding a screwdriver left behind by the criminals at his duplex.

“They took a fire poker and pried open a screwed-shut window,” said Dara Zach, on South Cox Street.

“They came in the backdoor. They took a crowbar and then kicked it in,” said a woman who wanted to remain anonymous on Vinton Avenue.

No one wants to have something like this in common

“Everything gone. My wedding band, my engagement ring,” said the Vinton Avenue woman.

“They took about $1,500 dollars worth of jewelry, three laptops, a TV,” said Zach.

A growing list of people don’t just share a neighborhood, but similar stories.

“They left a disaster. Our house was a mess,” said Zach.

“So they must have seen you sleeping?” asked reporter Sabrina Hall.

“Yes,” said Camp.

“How scary is that?” asked Hall.

“Spooky. Very scary,” said Camp.

There have been 25 burglaries in the last six days and even more in the last few months in Midtown.

Those who keep on eye this neighborhood say the criminals also have an eye on them

“You can watch them,” said Diane Sable. “They are on their phones. They are watching cars. They are taking notes.”

From police reports, burglars are hitting houses at all times – morning, noon and night – going through windows, breaking down doors.

“I had over $50,000 worth of jewelry because I had a lot of family heirloom things that were given to me over the years,” said the Vinton Avenue woman.

“They stole that?” asked Hall.

“Oh yeah. Oh yeah,” she said.

The burglars are stealing people’s memories and peace of mind, because the victims, like Zach, say the criminals haven’t yet been caught.

“They have not and (our neighbor) got broken into right after us,” she said.

They’ve asked police for stepped up patrols and gotten it.

“The Memphis Police Department is great,” said Camp.

Yet, some are still considering changing zip codes.

“I am really kind-of shocked, hoping it’s just a phase cause I really don`t think I live in a bad part of town but I’m starting to think maybe we should move,” said the Vinton Avenue woman.

While some burglary victims are rushing to put bars on their windows, Zach said the best thing she had going for her was renter’s insurance.