
Residents speak out about blight, crime and roads during community meeting

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — People who live in South Memphis are demanding answers from their city leaders. They made that message clear at a community meeting Thursday.

WREG talked with folks who say they’re upset because their neighborhoods are becoming dangerous.

About 30 people showed up at Pine Hill Community Center. They’re demanding city leaders clean up their streets and address the crime problem in Memphis.

A woman who doesn’t want to reveal her identity is nervous about what went on in her neighborhood Monday. She says about 50 girls between 12 and 17 years old started fighting on Persons Boulevard near Airways.

“They were tearing each others’ clothes off, and what I found out later on, nobody had called the police,” she said.

Council members listened to the woman, who says she’s afraid this isn’t just a neighborhood problem, it’s a city problem.

“My biggest concern is some of these young ladies are going to end up in worse trouble or dead,” she said.

Another topic was unpaved roads.

“Enough of that is enough, until we get roads paved, sidewalks we don’t even need to consider looking at anything else,” council member Edmund Ford said.

Ford and council member Wanda Halbert say these topics keep coming up. Norris Road is one of several roads people want fixed.

“The potholes, the sinking gravel and code enforcement was at that and they reassured us that they would fix the problem; well I just came back down that road and there has been asphalt placed on areas of the street,” Halbert said.

Residents say blight is also a major problem. They say there’s a number of homes that need to be torn down.