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(Memphis) Beth Allen finished the Boston Marathon Monday.

“I was walking into my hotel when it went off,” she said.

She missed the explosion, but witnessed the chaos and fear in the moments that followed.

Friday she relived those horrors as she watched police hone in on their suspect.

“It’s hard to pull yourself away from it,” he said.

She said the arrest brings relief.

“When I left Boston I remember feeling just kind of empty and not knowing where to put my emotions because there was no answer to what happened. I think seeing that have two people they know are responsible, and of course one of them is now killed, is just a little closure.”

While Allen searches for closure, other runners honored Boston in a run in Overton Park. The run kicked off at 6:15 p.m. just as Friday’s events unfolded in Boston.

Boston Marathon runner Jennie Silk was among 500 people who participated.

“I wanted to come hug my friends that I was there with and pray together for victims and mourn the loss of innocence and show support for Boston,” Silk said.
Silk and others at the race said they’ll keep running.

“I know what it’s like to run 26 miles, then for something that devastating to happen, I just wanted to do something to be a part of it,” Memphis runner Stephanie Rhodes said.

The runners also raised money purchasing t-shirts from Breakaway Running. They sold out of the three hundred shirts they had on hand before the race began.

The proceeds go to the One Fund for victims of the Boston bombings.