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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Sales Tax Holiday is just around the corner!

In Tennessee, it will be Friday, July 28 through Sunday, July 30 which is just in time for the start of the school year.

As always, school supplies and clothing under $100 and computers under $1,500 are all tax free.

The tax exemption does not include jewelry, handbags, or sports and other recreational equipment.

Anything purchased for business use will also not be exempt.

2017 Alphabetical List of Exempt Items

That same weekend, shoppers in Mississippi will be taking advantage of great savings, but for two days only.

Friday and Saturday,  clothing and shoes under $100 will be the only items exempt from sales tax.

Then Arkansas ‘ tax free weekend is August 5 and 6th.

Shoppers won’t be charged tax on clothes or school supplies under $100.