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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The vote is in. The county will contract with Aramark to feed prisoners at Shelby County Corrections Center.

The state is offering $3 less per state prisoner at this facility, causing a $1.9 million budget hole.

Mayor Mark Luttrell proposed contracting with Aramark food services, paying them $3.65 million to cover that gap.

Currently 31 employees work in the food services department. The county says it will offer them a job with county government if they choose not to work with Aramark, but the staff is doubtful of this deal.

County commissioners say this was a difficult decision, but the majority voted in favor because it make financial sense.

“It makes a difference when you make a just decision than making a rash decision.” said Lawrence Black, a food service worker.

Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell added, “Each one of these employees will be offered a job with Shelby county or one of the other options mentioned. If this contract is not accepting we will still have to fill a $1.9 m dollar hole.”

Aramark currently covers food services at 201 Poplar and Jail East.