
Shelby County Office of Preparedness ready for winter weather

SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — The Shelby County Office of Preparedness released a statement Sunday afternoon after a Winter Storm Warning was issued for Shelby County.

Director of the Shelby County Office of Preparedness Dale Lane says, “We’re monitoring the weather and will be staying in close touch with law enforcement officers about road conditions. They’ll especially be checking bridges and overpasses for icing.

The National Weather System says, the WREG-TV viewing area is expected to get one to three inches of sleet.

Director of Shelby County Public Works Tom Needham says, “Our salt and sand trucks crews are ready. Brine solution has already been put on the roads in preparation for the ice.”

Emergency service coordinators have reviewed their responsibilities and are prepared for expected winter weather.

Shelby County Mayor Mark Luttrell says, “Director Dale Lane and his staff at the Shelby County Office of Preparedness are in constant contact with the National Weather Service and the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency.”

With temperatures dropping to single digits over the next few days, Director Dale Lane says, “Citizens need to keep a close watch on relatives and friends, especially those who are elderly, disabled or live alone. Pets should also be sheltered,”

For vehicles, check the antifreeze level, windshield wipers and have a full tank of gas. Here are some other winter weather safety tips provided by the Shelby County Office of Preparedness:

For more information, go to the Shelby County Office of Preparedness HLS/EMA Facebook Group or Twitter@SCOP_HLS_EMA or call (901) 222-6700.