(Memphis) Cyber-bullying is being blamed for the suicide of a 12-year-old girl in Florida.
That has people around the nation worried about the problem, including right here in Memphis.
During a youth conference about leadership, some students discussed the topic in-depth and made a pledge to stand-up against it.
They called the workshop the “Bully Beat Down”, an open discussion about bullying and why it can hurt so bad.
“When they go home, they probably cry and lose sleep over it,” said a student.
“Who has ever been bullied before?” asked one of the leaders of the group.
The Shelby County students knew what bullying can do.
“It makes people go into a crazy state of mind,” said one teen.
They don’t have to hear about it on the news.
“Making someone feel fearful or intimidated,” said a girl.
They see it in the hallways and online from people they know.
“They try to bring other`s down to make themselves feel better, I guess,” said Marisa Knox, a senior at Houston High School and also a leader at BRIDGES.
“Our mission is to unite and inspire diverse young people,” said Kristen Fox-Trautman with BRIDGES.
Knox led the Bully Beat Down workshop that some 350 Shelby County students from all over got to attend.
They learned ways to transform themselves and the community around them.
“We did skits also about cyber-bullying and physical bullying and being bystanders and how we have to speak-up,” said Knox.
“I was in my school and I was in the hallway and this girl she was being picked-on by dudes and girls about the way she dressed, the way she looked,” said one teen.
Students made a pledge not to look the other way.
“They said ‘we will beat down bullying!’,” said Knox.
They pledged to reach out if they need help, “Suicide is not the answer and there is always somebody to talk to.”