
Shortage of School Crossing Guards

(Memphis) News Channel 3 started looking into the shortage of crossing guards at schools in Memphis when parents began calling us.

Lt. John Williams from Memphis Police said there are about 45 crossing guard positions open.

There were 221 guards at the beginning of the school year, but 21 have resigned or fallen ill since.

The guards make $14.90 an hour but are limited to 2 hours a day unless they work two post. Retirees usually work the job, but retention is often a problem.

Parents we talked to were concerned.

“It’s very important. They help the kids cross the road and make sure the traffic is directed properly so that the kids can safely cross the road,” said Parent Brad Deforrest at Rozelle Elementary.

“I’m in the process of changing my work schedule and I’m going to personally cross those kids my self,” said parent of three Lester Elementary children Nandre Pressley.

Memphis Police officers are being dispatched as crossing guards if they are not on other calls at the time.

129 people have already applied for the open positions.

Memphis Police expect to fill the open positions in 6 weeks.