MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Southaven High School celebrated its Homecoming this past weekend.
This year, the stars were not just on the football field.
“Awesome. It’s wonderful,” said senior Mary Jones, taking a moment to wave to a friend.
Friday was one of her best days yet.
“They picked me to be on the Homecoming Court,” Jones said.
The Southaven seniors pushed to place Jones and five other girls as “Maids” on the Homecoming Court.
“We were just sitting in Student Ambassadors talking about Homecoming and how excited we were, just like, ‘hey, what if we brought out the senior girls?’,” said senior Eva Jeter.
Every single special needs female student in the senior class got on the court.
That meant they all got crowns and a memory to cherish forever.
“I love the fact that everybody has come together to make them feel as special as they are,” said teacher Becky Lantrip.
“We’re one student body. It doesn’t matter what your abilities are. We’re all together and everyone stepped up,” said teacher Keri West.
Students brought in spare dresses to loan the girls.
“It’s wonderful,” Jones smiled.
Desoto County Schools said the Homecoming Court has 19 girls, and all of them will walk across the field at Friday night’s game.