MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Two major retailers are enforcing new rules to encourage social distancing within their stores due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Both Walmart and Target introduced new measures to fight the spread of the virus.
Walmart released a statement on Saturday saying its new policy requires stores to limit the number of people inside the store. The retail giant is not letting more than five customers inside per 1,000 square feet.
Once a Walmart location has reached capacity, shoppers will be allowed inside on a ‘one-out-one-in’ basis.
Next week, Walmart will institute one-way movement in its aisles, using floor markers and associates for guidance. The company says this is to keep customers from getting to close to each other as they shop.
Target is also taking a similar approach by monitoring the number of customers inside the store.
Target says it will limit the number of people inside the store depending on the store’s specific square footage.
Some shoppers told WREG they do not think this will be enough to stop the spread of the virus.
“…As more poeple get more and more anxious to get the things they need, I think it’s going to be more and more difficult to keep the social distancing thing,” Daryl Moore said.
On Saturday morning, during a press conference, the Chief Epidemiology for the Shelby County Health Department encouraged large businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies to limit the amount of people inside.
Both retailers have their statements on their website. You can find Target’s here and Walmart’s here.