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PAOLA, Kan. — It can be hard to get your kids excited to go to school, but a Kansas teacher is using markers, a dry erase board and her talents to get kids excited about learning.

DeAnna Morgan has taught art at Paola High School for the past two years, and she draws on her dry erase board to get her kids excited about learning. She also found it helps her connect with them and inspire them in their own art.

She takes requests from the entire school and tries to do an original drawing every single day. You can see more of her drawings on her Instagram account.

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I can usually get pretty close on whiteboard drawings. Today, was awful. Michael J. Fox suffered greatly by my hand. Everything was finished but his face nearly all day, I just couldn't find the time and- truth be told, I redrew it over 7 times. *sigh* As they say, "Ain't no tired like Friday teacher tired." So Today was Back to the Future Friday, if you could go forward or backward in time where would you go and why? (I would go back to my plan period this morning and drink less coffee and focus more on getting this drawing right…) #whiteboard #whiteboardart #morgansadvisorycrew #highschool #freshmen #arteducation #arted #iteach #iteachtoo #iteachart #artteacher #artteacherlife #artteachersofinstagram #teacherlife #teachersofig #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #backtothefuture #martymcfly #marty #mcfly #thisisheavydoc #michaeljfox #docbrown #roadswhereweregoingwedontneedroads

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I. Adore. Macklemore. On my plan time you can find me dancing around my classroom and jamming to his albums as loud as my speakers can play! I can’t wait to see him when he comes to KC!! Today was Thrift Shop Thursday! So, you wanna pop some tags? There’s $20.00 in your pocket… whatcha buyin’ in the thrift shop? #whiteboard #whiteboardart #morgansadvisorycrew #highschool #freshmen #arted #arteducation #arteducator #artteacher #artteachers #artteachersofinstagram #teacher #teachers #teachersofinsta #teachersofig #teachersofinstagram #teachergram #teachersfollowteachers #macklemore #benhaggerty #thriftshop #thrifting #thriftfinds #macklemorethriftshop #macklemoreandryanlewis #stunna #myfavorite #myjam @macklemore

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Today the Advisory Crew Spotlight was on Chad! I've watched Chad grow into an amazing young man. He used to make silly faces at me across the church during sermon when he was a tyke, we've worked countless VBS weeks through the years, and I had the pleasure of having him as a senior in my Advisory. He comes from a wonderful family that I adore. Best of luck to you in your future, Sweet Boy! :) My littles have recently fallen in love with "The Real Ghostbusters" on @netflix- and I'm perfectly okay with it! This was one of my favs when I was a kid. I forgot how grossly fantastic Slimer was! Today was Wicked Habit Wednesday, what is a gross or bad habit you need to kick before you're in the real world? #WhiteBoard #WhiteBoardArt #MorgansAdvisoryCrew #Education #HighSchool #ITeach #ITeachArt #ArtTeacher #ArtTeacherLife #ArtTeachersOfInstagram #TeacherLife #teachersofig #TeachersOfInstagram #TeachersFollowTeachers #SeniorSpotlight #SeniorFeature #Seniors2017 #Ghostbusters #Slimer #TheRealGhostBusters #Gross #BadHabit #KickTheHabit #RealWorld #AdultLife #graduationiscoming @ghostbusters

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