
“He took something I’ll never get back… I will never forgive this kid.”

(Horn Lake, MS) Neighbors call him a ‘one teen crime spree.’

People in one Mid-South town say they’re living in fear of a 15-year-old and the courts aren’t doing anything to stop him.

We went to Horn Lake where people say they’re fed up.

The Clougher family says the first time they were victimized, they bought a 100 pound German Shepard to protect their home, but still the teenager came back.

“This is the second time he has broke in to my house,” said Thomas Clougher.

This time, Clougher says he almost shot the 15-year-old, “He has no clue how close he was from being killed.”

The teen is lucky Clougher didn’t find him.

Horn Lake police eventually did, in Clougher’s stolen and wrecked truck, several towns away.

Clougher says the teen’s crime spree around this neighborhood started last year and the first time the boy hit his home, was in December.

“That time he did it, I was asleep on the couch and he was crouching around me stealing my laptops and eating out of my refrigerator,” said Clougher.  “He told police he liked to watch his victims sleep while he robbed their house.  We didn’t sleep for a minimum of two weeks the first time it happened.”

We’re not telling you the teenager’s name, because he’s a juvenile, but Horn Lake police confirm they have a case on him.

Clougher says the cops are doing their job but the courts keep letting the kid out.

“With all the victims combined he got 90 days,” he said.  “He had just got out when he broke into my house again.”

Clougher says he can think of 20 victims in his neighborhood alone who don’t want to see this teenager again.

Clougher’s says he lost about $12,000 worth of stuff including lap tops, an iPhone and his CDL license in his wallet, so he can’t work.

But, he says he’s missing something even more important than that, “He took something I’ll never get back and that`s my sense of security. I will never forgive this kid.”