
The flu is back on the rise and it’s not going anywhere soon

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — After slowing down a few weeks ago the flu is roaring back. The recent icy weather had people staying home and slowing the virus’s spread.

But now cases are on the rise again and doctors say this flu season isn’t ending anytime soon.

Todd Harris is a lucky man, his five children have never had the flu.

“Blessed! Very Blessed,” Harris said.

In true Harris family fashion, his 10-year-old daughter made it through a recent scare unscathed.

“They had about four or five students in the class get the flu,” Harris said.

She didn’t, thanks to a little luck and training from her parents.

“My wife and I are in childcare so our children know how to properly abate germ spreading,” Harris said.

Skills like that are more important than ever this year.  Doctor Manoj Jain says seven percent of hospital visits are flu-related.

“We’re still seeing a lot of flu cases at the hospital,” Jain said. “We have seen the highest number of hospitalizations at this time of year than any time before.”

He says it’s largely because of the H-3-N-2 strain frequently showing up.

“This year’s vaccine wasn’t able to take care of that strain as much,” Jain said. “It’s just a bad flu season.”

Here in the Mid-south, we’ve still got a way to go. Dr. Jain says we’re looking at another six to ten weeks of this nasty flu season.

To stay healthy Dr. Jain suggests you get a flu shot, constantly wash your hands and avoid touching your face.

If you’re sick stay home and if you have to go out. Keep your distance from others.

“When you’re coughing, just move your face sort of moving your head to the side direction,” Jain said.

Every bit helps as we make our way through one of worst flu seasons in recent memory.