
The Little Free Library allows neighbors to read and exchange books

Photo from Little Free Library

MEMPHIS, Tenn. –It’s just the latest way neighbors are coming together and connecting.

What some mistake for a mailbox or a bird house nestled in front of several homes in the Mid-South, is actually a small library.

“People just come by and take a book and return a book. Give a book and donate a book. It’s really nice. Every time I go its different books in there. I think people really enjoy it,” said Maria Montessori School Teacher Santina Campbell.

The little free libraries are where neighbors exchange books.

Drop one off,  pick another or just take one, read it and bring it back.

No late fine or fees here.

Outside the Maria Montessori School on Harbor Town a graduating class donated their little house for books.

Neighbors, from kids to adults, have been using it and teachers said their students love it.

But more importantly, it keeps them reading.

The best thing about the Little Free Library: you never know what books you will find.

The one in Harbor Town had ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’,  ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ and someone even put in a copy of the Bible.

“I have seen a wide variety in there. It’s always changing. It’s really fun to look in there every once in a while,” said Campbell.

The trend started when a man built a little house for his librarian mother, and has continued to grow across the country.

In the 6 years since the concept took off, there are reportedly 25,000 Little Free Libraries around the world.

People in one Binghampton apartment community shared books right on their grounds.

“The majority of the residents they increase their vocabulary. They learn about different places. They can travel with their mind,” said apartment manager Joyce Grady.

Since there are no strict rules on what the houses have to look like, people are allowed to show their creativity.

Then all they have to do s fill her up with books and let the reading begin.

You can put up one of these houses and start a Little Free Library where you live.

You are asked to register the house,  so your location can be added to the website for anyone searching.
