
This brutal heat is challenging even the toughest Mid-Southerner

SHELBY COUNTY, Tenn. — This week has been the hottest we’ve seen in the Mid-South this summer, and bad news: Mother Nature isn’t letting up.

Whether you’re inside or outside, this weather was hard to escape.

We talked to roofers in Germantown who spent most of their days trying to earn a living roasting on a roof.

“It’s hot! It’s very, very hot,” said one roofer.

Water bottles were scattered across their work site while they took frequent breaks under a tree.

They weren’t the only ones who had to deal with the heat.

When the temperature rose, so did the number of customers at Uncle Dave’s Auto Repair.

“The heat wave of summer is here,” said owner Dave Steward. “Every summer. Every time it gets above 90 it starts to happen.”

Countless cars were breaking down everywhere.

The heat was getting to them too.

Tires popping.

Engines overheating.

Air conditions going out.

Mechanics said it was hard to keep up.

“We get 8 to 10 cars a day with people complaining it is overheating,” said Steward.

He recommended going to a trusted mechanic and getting your car’s coolant, oil, tires and engine checked each summer.

Many tried to avoid that by having a little fun in the water.

Dozens of kids and families let loose in the fountains Downtown.

“The water hose that we have, it doesn’t do no good. We let them come and play,” said Memphis mother Carneshal Stepheny.

Doctors recommended Memphians drinking lots of water, wear loose-fitting clothing, avoid being outside in the middle of the day and wear plenty of sunscreen.
