
Three Women Jump Off Overpass To Save Their Lives

(Memphis) Three women in East Memphis had to make a snap decision to save their lives, so they jumped off an overpass Saturday morning when ice caused a car to swerve out of control and in their direction.

It happened on Walnut Grove on the overpass above Humphreys Boulevard.

Laura Wright was on her lunch break and had a view of the overpass where three women jumped.

“I don’t know if I would have done that or not,” said Wright.

Police say the women jumped to escape possible death when a car slid on ice and in their direction.

“It’s so frightening and I thought to myself, ‘What would I have done?’” said Kathy Hunt.

Police say the three women were standing on the Humphreys’ overpass on Walnut Grove Saturday morning because one of them had been in a car accident.

Two young women stopped to help Pamela Davis, but when a car came flying towards them, all three jumped together.

Davis’ 14-year-old-son posted on WREG.com, “I’m 14 and when I saw my mom at the MED today I felt so bad for her. She is in a great amount of pain.”

The Delta airlines flight attendant has a broken arm, broken ribs, a concussion, and back injuries.

The two 20-year-old women who stopped to help are also recovering from the fall.

A witness to the crash says his wife called 911 and he used his cellphone flashlight to see the women lying on the ground below.

He said, “I saw the three of them lying on their backs moaning in pain. One girl was talking but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. I yelled down to them that help was on the way.”

Davis’ Facebook page is flooded with well-wishes. As for those who don’t know her or the other two women, they are putting themselves in their shoes.

“They saw the car coming and they saw that it wasn’t a far jump so I probably would. Probably would have,” said Wright.

“I thought, ‘Well, if it was either a life-or-death situation, you could bet I would do whatever I could,’” said Hunt.

Some say the women were also lucky to have fallen in that area, because it’s a medical district with Baptist East just down the street.