This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

COLUMBIA, Tenn. — The Tennessee Board of Regents approved new tuition and fee rates for colleges and universities which are among the lowest on average since 1996.

According to the TBR, the action was approved during the quarterly meeting at Columbia State Community College on Friday.

It would raise fees and tuition at Tennessee institutions an average of 3.3%.

Last fall the Tennessee Higher Education Commission suggested an increase between 0 and 4% if “dollars were provided in the state budget this year for the higher education funding formula that allocated funds based on a variety of metrics to encourage student success through outcomes, like graduation and retention.”

It was funded.

As a results students will see the following increases:

Austin Peay State University: 2.4%

East Tennessee State University: 3%

Middle Tennessee State University: 3.1%

Tennessee State University: 2.8%

Tennessee Tech University: 10.9%*

University of Memphis: 3.7%

All community colleges: 3.4%

TCAT students: 4%


In addition, the board also approved a mandatory $290 fee for students at ETSU.

That money would help to fund renovations to the Culp University Center on the ETSU campus.

When the increased maintenance fees/tuition are combined with the previously approved mandatory fees, the total proposed price increases for in-state students taking a full-time course load of 12 credit hours would amount to the following per year:

APSU $333
ETSU $486
MTSU $204
TSU $181
TTU $332
UOM $284
CCs $120
TCATs $129/trimester

*TTU is also reducing its mandatory fees this year, so the result is actually a 3.9 percent total revenue increase.