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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Police said shots were fired in a Dollar Tree parking lot in Cooper-Young, putting innocent lives at risk.

“It sounded like pop, pop, pop,” said Peter Stewart. “There was some kids a couple blocks over who were shooting some fireworks and stuff.”

It was around 8 Friday night. He realized it was gunshots after noticing a man acting odd near the side of his house.

“Kind of moving quickly. Got in his car and obviously took his license plate and stuff off his car, so it seemed suspicious,” he said.

Police said the guy Stewart saw had been at Dollar Tree a block over on East Parkway.

Officers said he had confronted a man walking out of the store about some papers, and then opened fire. He shot at least eight times and put nearby employees and customers at risk.

Officers said the victim ran off and took cover at a nearby home.

The victim told us on the phone, he couldn’t say what happened, but physically, he’s okay.

Stewart said he’s heard about crime at the Dollar Tree before, and the blighted property next door hasn’t helped.

He claims criminals cut a hole in the fence and used the property as a cut-through to get away.

So, he said he and his neighborhood watch group helped him patch the fence and put up another camera to hopefully deter the crime.

He said he also turned over some footage he got of Friday’s shooter.  Police said Dollar Tree had some too, but they have yet to release it.

MPD said the suspect got away in a silver Nissan Altima.

If you have any information, call Crime Stoppers at 901-528-CASH.