
Walmart to temperature check all employees, provide gloves and masks amid coronavirus outbreak


NEW YORK — One of America’s largest retailers announced additional steps to protect its employees and customers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Starting in the next couple of weeks, workers will have their temperatures checked as they report to work and undergo questioning to make sure they are not sick, Walmart leaders announced a news release Tuesday. Any team member with a temperature of 100 degrees will be asked to return home until they are fever-free for at least three days.

Walmart said it’s leave policy allows anyone who has symptoms, concerns or are quarantined to stay at home without fear of losing their job.

The temperature checks will begin in the next three weeks.

In another move to protect its workers, the retailer said it will also offer masks and gloves to associates who wish to use them as supplies permit. The masks are expected to arrive in the next two weeks.