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MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Shelby County Election Commission is processing more than 15,000 applications for absentee ballots in this election, at least 15 times the normal amount, according to the office.

Election administrator Linda Phillips said they are running two eight-hour shifts per day to process applications, which is a process of more than a dozen steps. She asked people to only send in one application, and remember to sign.

Normally, the election commission processes 800-1,000 absentee ballot applications.

The election commission said about 8,000 requests received before July 10 have been sent out, and hundreds more go out every day. 

To request an absentee ballot, voters can download and print one from, stop by one of the two offices to pick one up, or call 222-1200.

People who download them need to sign them and mail them back in or sign them, scan and email them to

The signed applications must be received in the office by 4:30 on July 30.

A voter can check to see if their ballot has been processed by visiting this website:  https://tnmap.tngove/voterlookup