Mayor A C Wharton, Jr. and Councilmembers Wanda Halbert and Kemp Conrad will present a Resolution at tomorrow’s City Council meeting at 3:30 proclaiming December 3, 2013 as #GivingTuesday – Memphis’ Day of Giving. Memphis is statistically one of the most charitable cities in America, particularly our City of Memphis employees. Our charitable nature and giving spirit is so important for our community given that we are a city with thousands of needy families.
#GivingTuesday is a national effort launched in 2012 to harness the collective power of a unique blend of partners—charities, families, businesses and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. Coinciding with the Thanksgiving Holiday and the kickoff of the holiday shopping season, #GivingTuesday will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they support and help create a better world. Taking place December 3, 2013 – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving – #GivingTuesday will harness the power of social media to create a national moment around the holidays dedicated to giving, similar to how Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become synonymous with holiday shopping.
One Memphis Operation Christmas Basket builds on a time-honored Memphis tradition of providing food to families in need during the holiday season. At a time when the need is greater than ever, we will continue this tradition by extending over 5,000 holiday food baskets to needy families, seniors, the disabled, and even those families that have suffered a recent job loss.
Please spread the word and help make #GivingTuesday a new tradition. Urge those in your network to make a donation (monetary or volunteer your time) to One Memphis Operation Christmas Basket or your favorite charity on Tuesday, December 3rd.