
Eco Vacation – Three things to go green

Many of you are planning to leave soon on a summer trip, but that doesn’t mean eco-friendly families also have to take a vacation from green living.

Maggie Strom with Tioga Environmental Consultants talked about three earth-friendly things you can do on your next trip.


  1. Transportation

Consider carpooling or group transportation. If everyone takes their individual vehicles on vacation, it adds up to a greater carbon footprint than transporting large amounts of people via a plane, bus, train, etc. When flying, go non-stop.  If renting a car, choose the smallest car that will work or even a hybrid. If you do drive yourself, inflate your tires correctly, change your filters, etc. to make your car as efficient as possible and use the cruise control when you are on your way.

Once you reach your destination, get creative with ways to get around. Can you take your bike, skateboard or scooter with you on vacation? Instead of relying on taxis, get some exercise by walking or take advantage of bike share programs that many cities now offer.


  1. Housing

Choose a hotel with green initiatives. A simple internet search should inform you of a hotels energy and water saving measures or you can call the hotel before booking. Take it a step further by reusing your towels and opting to not have your sheets replaced everyday.

If you’re enjoying the outdoors by camping or boating for instance, make sure you leave the area as pristine as you found it and only light a campfire where permitted. You can pack a designated trash and recycling bags that do not take up much room. Unfortunately, some vacation spots do not have these bins easily accessible. Stow your trash and recyclables in their respective bag until you can properly dispose of them.


  1. Odds and ends

Avoid buying lots of travel sized products, in either the beauty or food categories. Remember, the smaller the packaging the more wasteful the packaging. Buy travel sized containers that can be reused and refill them from your larger containers at home.

Furthermore, avoid wasteful containers such as take-out boxes from restaurants and disposable water bottles. When possible, pack your own food and bring a refillable water bottle. This could benefit your waistline, wallet and the planet! Pack a travel cooler or look for a hotel room/rental property with a refrigerator so you can grocery shop when you get to your destination.



