
Live at 9: Lee Harris, Manhood University & Jocelyn Dan Wurzburg

Mayor-Elect Lee Harris

Mayor-Elect Lee Harris talks about the quick transition and what he plans to tackle first when he officially becomes the leader of Shelby County.

Make a Difference Monday

Memphis has more non-profit organizations than any other city its size, according to SmartCity.com. But how can non-profits with their notoriously small budgets get word out about their good work? That’s where Gillian Wenhold goes to work.

While in high school, she dreamed up the idea of a public relations firm specifically for non profits and eventually started The Social Exchange as a college student.

Manhood University

You’ve heard it takes a village to raise a child. Now locals are taking that philosophy and putting it to work with a program to help men learn life skills they didn’t have the opportunity to learn in their youth. And that could help them teach those skills to their children.

Ken Moody is special assistant to the mayor and runs Manhood University. Willie Ward is with Economic Opportunities.

Author Chat with Jocelyn Dan Wurzburg

If I say sanitation strike to you, the first picture that comes to mind is probably the sanitation workers, and civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King. But instrumental in getting better working conditions for the workers was a group of white women: women like Jocelyn Dan Wurzburg. She recounts her journey from in her new book, “Jocie – Southern Jewish American Princess, Civil Rights Activist.”