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Nikki’s Hot A** Ribs

1 slab of ribs
Nikki’s Hot A** Seasoning (for a list of retail locations or to purchase online, visit

-Rinse ribs in cool water
-Lay ribs face down on foil
-Completely cover back of ribs with Nikki’s Hot A** Seasoning and rub seasoning in with fingers
-Turn ribs over and completely cover front with Nikki’s Hot A** Seasoning and rub in with fingers.
-Seal foil on all sides forming a tent at the top so the foil doesn’t touch the ribs.
-Place on a cookie sheet and put in a 225 degree oven for 7 hours.
-After 7 hours open top of foil and baste the ribs with their own juice.
-Leave foil open and put back in the oven on 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until slightly crisp on top. Baste again if necessary.

***Resist all urges to add liquid before placing in oven. The ribs natural juices will be all that is needed.