
Memphis in May Colombian Cuisine!

Memphis in May is spending this week celebrating this year’s honored country.

It’s a Salute to Colombia with a focus on Colombia culture and of course, cuisine!

Juan Felipe Camacho is one of the most highly regarded chefs in South America.



Arepas de Huevo Con Aji Criollo

(corn arepa de huevo with creole hot sauce)


Conversion chart below




1 kg of corn flour (PAN Brand if possible)



1 lt sunflower oil for deep frying

6 eggs


200 grm spring or Green onion

100 grs red tomatoes

2 lemons or limes

1 spoon of  kétchup

200 grs fresh cilantro

100 grs rocoto pepper or jalapeño



Conversion chart:

                     Metric to U.S.

Capacity Weight
1 milliliter 1/5 teaspoon 1 gram .035 ounce
5 ml 1 teaspoon 100 grams 3.5 ounces
15 ml 1 tablespoon 500 grams 1.10 pounds
100 ml 3.4 fluid oz 1 kilogram 2.205 pounds
= 35 ounces
240 ml 1 cup
1 liter 34 fluid oz
= 4.2 cups
= 2.1 pints
= 1.06 quarts
= 0.26 gallon