
Turn to technology to find your next favorite book

CNET.com/CBS News – Let’s say you just finished a wonderful book and you don’t know what to read next. Where do you turn? Instead of randomly picking up another paperback or consulting a friend, try the website: What Should I Read Next? It’s like the Netflix or Pandora for readers. Input the title of a beloved book or an author and the site will make several recommendations based on some of the common traits.

Readers on the go should also try their sister site, Where should I read next? Click on a country of interest or one that you’ll be visiting and up pops a list of recommended reading featuring that exotic locale or authors from that country.

A book group is a great way to discover new books and exchange ideas with other readers. Take your book club into the virtual world with GoodReads.com. Locate a group based on types of books or members, join and start reading and discussing topics online.